Policy on Cookies
VM Construction Limited makes very limited use of Cookies on its website. To comply with European Directive 2009/136/EC effective May 27th, 2012, we have made points relevant to our site and how it affects you as a user below. We have also updated our privacy policy to comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/6791, General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR").
For details on privacy matters affecting your use of this website please refer to our privacy policy page.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that get put on your computer by websites as you surf them. These cookies can store lots of information which can have privacy implications. We like to think all the cookies used on this site are fairly innocuous but that’s for you to judge. We do not make use of temporary “Session Cookies” to determine if you have logged into the password protected areas of the website. Even if we did these would only exist while your web browser is open and are wiped as soon as you close the window.
Anonymous tracking software
V.M.Construction Limited uses log files included on our host server which track the number of visitors to our sites, the pages they view and details of geography, browser type and additional non-intrusive information.
We also use Google Analytics tool which is a user tracking service provided by Google. This gathers anonymous data on how people use our site and then provides us with visitor statistics, details of page views etc. This is non-intrusive as we cannot track or identify individual users or personal details.
(Think of it as being a bit like CCTV but one that automatically blurs your face so we can see what people have done, but not who is doing it.)
Therefore we consider these tools to be non-intrusive and do not harm or compromise visitors to our website.
However, if you do not wish to participate you can opt-out of your visit being tracked by Google Analytics at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Third Party Sites
We have provided our users with links to trusted third party sites. These are helpful for anyone who needs advice on how to manage cookies.
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411
Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
We cannot vouch for these organisations' own privacy and cookie policies, and we recommend that any user to them checks those policies for themselves. These should be contained on their website.
Third party website widgets
We may also embed some page elements from trusted third parties so that we can provide you with features like Interactive Maps, Like Buttons and Videos. Collectively they make our website more interesting to you as a site visitor however most of these come with their own cookies. Currently we have only included one such link on our site but may add more in the future. We currently have a link to Google Maps
Since we do not control these cookies we cannot guarantee what they do but we are confident that they value your privacy just as much as we do. In many cases the cookies are used to generate identical information to Google Analytics (see above) and indeed use Google Analytics. So by opting-out of Google Analytics you will also opt you out of these cookies too.
How do I opt out?
You can opt out of Google analytics and other Google services here. If you have an existing Google account, then go to this link.
Alternatively you can use Google's software at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Control Your Own Site Settings
If you are really anti-cookie then there is no option but not to use our site. Although we assure we make no use of harmful or intrusive
But you can remove any cookies on your machine within your browser settings by pressing: Ctrl+Shift+Delete. This will bring up a pop-up box and will show any history or cookies relevant to this site. (Or for that matter, on any site.)
This will work in most cases, but not all.
Alternatively you can set your own security levels through the settings profile of your internet connections on your preferred browser. On the menu bar of your PC go to: "Tools|Options|Privacy". This will give you options to review any cookies and control them.
Last updated: 28 July, 2023
For details on privacy matters affecting your use of this website please refer to our privacy policy page.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small files that get put on your computer by websites as you surf them. These cookies can store lots of information which can have privacy implications. We like to think all the cookies used on this site are fairly innocuous but that’s for you to judge. We do not make use of temporary “Session Cookies” to determine if you have logged into the password protected areas of the website. Even if we did these would only exist while your web browser is open and are wiped as soon as you close the window.
Anonymous tracking software
V.M.Construction Limited uses log files included on our host server which track the number of visitors to our sites, the pages they view and details of geography, browser type and additional non-intrusive information.
We also use Google Analytics tool which is a user tracking service provided by Google. This gathers anonymous data on how people use our site and then provides us with visitor statistics, details of page views etc. This is non-intrusive as we cannot track or identify individual users or personal details.
(Think of it as being a bit like CCTV but one that automatically blurs your face so we can see what people have done, but not who is doing it.)
Therefore we consider these tools to be non-intrusive and do not harm or compromise visitors to our website.
However, if you do not wish to participate you can opt-out of your visit being tracked by Google Analytics at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
Third Party Sites
We have provided our users with links to trusted third party sites. These are helpful for anyone who needs advice on how to manage cookies.
Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-cookies-website-preferences
Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies
Safari: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH21411
Edge: https://privacy.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10-microsoft-edge-and-privacy
We cannot vouch for these organisations' own privacy and cookie policies, and we recommend that any user to them checks those policies for themselves. These should be contained on their website.
Third party website widgets
We may also embed some page elements from trusted third parties so that we can provide you with features like Interactive Maps, Like Buttons and Videos. Collectively they make our website more interesting to you as a site visitor however most of these come with their own cookies. Currently we have only included one such link on our site but may add more in the future. We currently have a link to Google Maps
Since we do not control these cookies we cannot guarantee what they do but we are confident that they value your privacy just as much as we do. In many cases the cookies are used to generate identical information to Google Analytics (see above) and indeed use Google Analytics. So by opting-out of Google Analytics you will also opt you out of these cookies too.
How do I opt out?
You can opt out of Google analytics and other Google services here. If you have an existing Google account, then go to this link.
Alternatively you can use Google's software at: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
Control Your Own Site Settings
If you are really anti-cookie then there is no option but not to use our site. Although we assure we make no use of harmful or intrusive
But you can remove any cookies on your machine within your browser settings by pressing: Ctrl+Shift+Delete. This will bring up a pop-up box and will show any history or cookies relevant to this site. (Or for that matter, on any site.)
This will work in most cases, but not all.
Alternatively you can set your own security levels through the settings profile of your internet connections on your preferred browser. On the menu bar of your PC go to: "Tools|Options|Privacy". This will give you options to review any cookies and control them.
Last updated: 28 July, 2023